Book: “Manual in Occupational Health: Exposure and Health Assessment Methods”
You can access this book via this PDF: Manual in Occupational Health
This book describes the fundamental concepts in several exposure assessment methods and health examinations at workplaces. We hope that this book will serve as an important tool for professionals working in occupational health, students, researchers, and those dedicated to creating decent and safe work environments.
Book: “Towards Sustainable Development: Workers’ compensation for occupational diseases and injuries in the Tanzanian socio-economic development“.
Researchers from Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Tanzania and University of Bergen (UiB), Norway, have written a book, addressing global health challenges towards obtaining a descent workplace.
You can download and read the book free of charge from the MUHAS repository webpage:
or via this PDF: Occ Bok 2022-08-16_reduced_size